Free gifts and MORE for joining my Inner Circle... Let's celebrate Open Eating!
All the tools you need for a successful class:
~ Food & Water Tracking Booklet
~ Handy Pen for Doing That Tracking
~ Aluminum Water Bottle for All Your Hydration Desires
~ Step Tracker... Keeps Things Moving Along
~ Cooling Cloth... to Keep Cool While Stepping
~ Hunger & Fullness Magnet for Your Fridge
(Valued at $250)
Discovery Kit delivered right to your door monthly. Your very own implementation guide discussing key open eating principles. A detailed, guided LEARN IT, DO IT, TEACH IT format to fully engage and instill the principles and help it to become a real part of who you are.
Each month, one of our Registered Dietitians will host a 1 hour live event to talk about hot nutrition topics, new research, or discuss pressing questions for our members. It's a great opportunity to realize we're not alone, and that we can learn from each other.
(Valued at $1764)
This is a full 8-week course outlining the ins and outs of managing your health, weight, and life balance through a personalized nutrition plan.
Fully automated, self-paced course to accommodate ALL schedules.
Modules released weekly.
Module 1: Fundamentals of Open Eating Module 5: Nutrients 101
Module 2: Goal Setting & Behavior Change Module 6: Water & Sleep
Module 3: Nutrition & Intuition Module 7: Physical Fitness
Module 4: Meal Planning Module 8: Keeping it Going!
(Valued at $1697)
Full access to all content from your membership right in your portal... for life!
(Valued at $1997)
In~Depth step by step instruction manual and journal for implementing Open Eating in a way that sticks. Designed to guide you through the course in a thoughtful, practical way that supports your success!
(Valued at $1497)
Visit #1: We'll do an intake visit to really understand where you currently are. What have you tried in the past? What do you hope to accomplish? What has worked? And what clearly doesn't? -so we don't try things we know don't work.
Visit #2: Setting Goals and Removing Barriers: A dietitian-guided self assessment to determine goals that will have the most positive impact and make the most practical sense. We'll discuss any potential barriers so that you can visualize success at it's best!
Visit #3: Based on what you've tried, and your current goals, our registered dietitian will walk you through creating a customized meal pan that supports your efforts. You'll also learn how to re-create and tweak your meal plan to maintain success as you find your needs and circumstances change.
Visit #4: Final wrap-up. Tie it together, revisit your roadmap, where you were, where you are now, and the direction you are headed.
(Valued at $947) [Visits up to 1 hour each]
Digitally printed customized menu plan with favorite recipes, shopping list, and more. Developed through your Open Eating Course and customized to fit your goals and your expertise.
(Valued at $1350)
We started off with her making me an individualized meal plan. | met with her weekly where she would adjust my meal plan according to what was working for me and what was not. Kristen has taught me how to use food as a tool to healthier lifestyle rather than an addiction | could not control.
-Callie B.
Open Eating has been a game changer for me. I've found that because | am taking the time to eat food that is nutritious, | am able to think more clearly and am better at the things | try.
-Eryn K.
I've been working with Kristen for several months on correcting my eating habits and creating a food plan that will work for me... Her expertise has created a food plan that cater to my likes and my needs so that | can stick with it. I've seen success and | don’t feel as if | had to make drastic changes to my lifestyle. Her dedication to my success has been wonderful and I'm truly grateful for her support in my goals.
-Lisa G.
I've tried so many diets. | lost weight on all of them... and then promptly put it right back on. I'm learning the step by step ways to find a healthy weight that | can keep long term.
-Mary O.
The things that | value most from working with Kristen is the elimination of the shame and stigma associated with over eating and a recognition that food is a vital part of my life that should be enjoyed. She has coupled that with the knowledge of how to eat “mindfully” and actually taste the food that | am eating. While working with her | was able to lose weight but even more than that | was able to lose the burden of feeling like a failure with food choices every day and balance my life around food so that it no longer controls me.
-Zane B.
Kristen helped me to listen to what my body was trying to teach me the whole time. I'd gotten into a rut, working 60+ hours per week, and just ate to get by. | didn't realize the negative impact it had on my weight, my energy levels, and even my sleep. I've since been able to rebalance and even though my work pressure is the same, | am able to accomplish more because | am working with my body.
-Nathan L.
There are too many so called "experts" that say they have found the magic bullet to solve weight loss and make you healthy. The problem is, they leave YOU out of the equation. You have your own body, your own motivations, and your own chemistry. We take you through a journey that creates a lifestyle that is built on WHO YOU ARE so that you become your own expert on what is healthy for you!
Your body can be your best tool on your journey of health! Your body is a miracle~ It is constantly sending you messages about what it needs to protect you from harm and hunger. It is specifically designed to help you lead a healthy, happy life. Too many times, we try to force it to go another direction through dieting or lack of self care. If you slow down enough to listen to what your body is telling you... it's amazing what you'll learn and how it truly SUPPORTS you finding YOUR way of health.
Food can and should always be a great experience. If we know what our body wants, and find our own nutritional balance, you can feel confident in ANYTHING you eat!
Lack of energy and a cloudy brain are signs that your body needs you to slow down and listen a bit more. From nutrition to sleep to adding movement to your day, we find the exact balance that supports who you know you CAN be.
That's where I come in... I'm a registered dietitian and YOUR PARTNER. I've spent over 15 years dedicating to doing as much of the work as I can, so you DON'T HAVE TO. Yes, you'll have to make changes, but I can walk through it with you, step by step and guide you on YOUR journey, so you can find YOUR way faster than I did...
There also might still be some questions holding you back from making the decisions to take back your life. After all, doesn’t everybody promise that? I want to help answer some of those for you now.
I’ve taken the top questions I’ve been asked about Open Eating and popped them in below with the answers…
In case you are wondering some of the same things:)
Question #1: Is this a diet or a lifestyle change?
Diets and lifestyle changes require a reset of the rules by some other external source. Open eating is a continuous process of you setting your own rules to fit your life in a balanced and healthy way. It’s living through habits created by you, on your behalf, and for YOUR health.
Question #2: No other diets have worked for me, why should I try this program?
This time, you’ll be approaching your nutrition hand-in-hand with your body’s intuitive messages on your behalf, instead of what feels like a battle against weight and cravings.
Creating habits that cooperate with your body, rather than manipulate it, are also enjoyable- and more likely to be sustainable and effective.
Question #3: What if I have specific medical conditions? Can or should I still do this?
Definitely! We absolutely recommend you work with your Doctor or Healthcare Professional when making any changes related to your health.
If you choose to enroll in our Full-Service Open Eating Course after taking our FREE Fundamentals of Open Eating Class, you will also have access to the professional help of our Registered Dietitians who can help you more specifically related to your Doctor’s or Healthcare Professional’s recommendations.
Question #4: Is it safe?
The whole design is to help you be healthier, without manipulating your body in an unhealthy way. If anything, what you learn will help you be safer in your nutrition decisions for the rest of your life!
Question #5: What do you have to offer that is different from every other diet or lifestyle change?
So many other programs claim to have ALL the answers to help you get healthy. I humbly admit- I don’t know you, so I don’t have YOUR answers.
What I do know is
~ how to help you discover what you are capable of,
~ how to guide you with the right questions,
~ how to teach you the right tools, and empower you to find the right answers for yourself.
Every person is different- with different DNA, different circumstances, and different environments. Everybody’s approach to health will manifest differently. No set of answers from an outside person can tailor to your life. I help you tailor your own.
Question #6: Is this a scheduled event?
Nope- this course works with YOUR schedule. When you sign up, Module 1 will immediately be open to you.
BUT- we do have some scheduled monthly events that come with the course... so keep an eye out for that information!
Question #7: Do I need to do anything to prepare?
A little bit. It is REALLY helpful if you jot down everything you have eaten for the past 3 days. This includes approximate times, basic portion sizes, and what you ate. But really, we'll work on that together...
Welcome Gift Package ($250 Value)
1~Year Open Eating Inner Circle Membership ($1764 Value)
Full -Service Open Eating Course ($1697 Value)
Lifetime Access to the Portal ($1997 Value)
Digital Open Eating Step~By~Step Companion ($1497 Value)
4x Visits with a Registered Dietitian ($947 Value)
Customized Meal Plan ($1350)
I'm confident enough in this course, I'm willing to give you a 30-day money back guarantee if you
feel you aren't going to get what you need from us.
See you soon!
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