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Thanks for your interest! Let me tell you a little bit more about what we're about...

To Everyone who hasn't found the "right" diet...

What if YOU already knew exactly how to 


and NEVER had to diet again?

Let me tell you a little bit above.

Open Eating...

Hello friends!

I have a super important message that I want to share. It turned my life around, and so, all I want to do is shout it from the rooftops- and really share with you, a life changing perspective.

There are countless people searching for the healthiest way to live, the most effective diets, and the fastest weight loss.

OR perhaps...already live a pretty healthy lifestyle, but could use some 

guidance on how to maintain and keep it healthy long-term…

If you fit into any of these categories...

Then this will be the most important letter you read in 2019.

Here's WHY...

What if I were to tell you that I truly believe there is a way to achieve a healthy weight, and truly enjoy any food you choose to eat…

To make peace with food, and to remove the confusion and stumbling blocks that have stopped you from doing this until now.

I’m talking about a 

simple, step-by-step, and laser focused approach to a

whole new way of nutrition.

The same approach I use every day with my clients; I never feel like I have to sell it, because 

I love it and live it in my own life, and the results speak for themselves

(and my clients agree…)

Sound interesting?


My name is Kristen Lindorf. I’ve been teaching the concept of Open Eating for over a decade now.

 While the term is relatively new, I’ve had the opportunity to watch lives change and science catch up to what we’ve been discovering during all that time.

 I’ve done nutrition counseling in many forms, including group, individual, couples, classes, workshops, and webinars.

With enough success, I’m ready to spread the word- 

Open Eating is now online! 

...and I want to share it with you!I am eager to see you grow and succeed too! 

It wasn't always THIS exciting...

I personally understand what it is like to endure the bombardment of 

“skinny” messages that label my self-worth and my competency. 

Diet after diet has promised results never achieved. 

And with all the life changes we’re told to do...

... and rebalancing of medications...

 Being “Healthy” and “Feeling Better” is pretty hard! Impossible? It sure feels like it sometimes…

I also personally relate to the times that it is just TOO MUCH, so why try!? 

Chocolate Ice Cream, here I come! That actually DOES make me feel better! 

Well, until it’s gone… now what?

It seems SO easy for others. Easy was NOT my reality.

Maybe it’s not yours either…

How many times have you woken up in the morning, weighed yourself on the scale before eating or drinking anything and saying… 

Why isn’t it working?- I’ve tried EVERYTHING! or, 

I really need to start doing SOMETHING…

I thought I’d lose more weight than I have…

I wish I had the energy to really succeed at getting to a healthy weight…

I must be doing it wrong- the ad made it look so simple. I’m clearly not a fit for this…

I know I can fit into those clothes if I just try harder, and eat less…

If you’ve conversed with yourself like this, you’re NOT alone. In fact- you’re in good

company with the rest of us!

 When I first started in nutrition, so many things didn’t make sense. Everything seemed

to be focused on good and bad foods, low fat and no fat, and of course weight loss. None

of that seems to have lifted over the years. 

Now it’s all that and more competing messages.

What confused me the most was that I liked ‘good’ foods AND ‘bad’ foods… I didn’t feel

like a bad person. I’m pretty like-able, and I’m kind to most everyone… but when

comparing myself to what others told me to do for my health, I felt like a failure.

Everything was too rigid. Life was WAY to crazy to allow me to follow EVERY rule of the

diet of the week.

I began to get anxious, constantly thinking about what I needed to do perfectly. 

Feeling guilty about what I didn’t do perfectly.

It was all consuming, overwhelming. I just want to be healthy. That’s good right? But I

like bad foods, and eggs WERE bad, but they’re good now… 

how can I just be a good, healthy person? And still be happy?

Because everything I try isn’t making me happy…

Maybe I just don’t have what it takes.

Maybe I’m not smart enough.

Maybe I’m not enough. I wasn’t blessed with “skinny” DNA.

I didn’t have enough money to pay for personal coaches.

I went with the ‘not smart enough’ at first, and began to study nutrition in depth. 

My answers did not come from my formal education. 

BUT, my formal education allowed me to study and work with people from all walks of life.

  • Internal
  • External

But then I realized...

Not everybody was as worried about food and eating right as I had been. 

There were lots of people confused and anxious just like me, 

but there were some that just seemed to be at peace with their nutrition.

It dawned on me- they hadn’t been successful at any one particular diet. 

Yet they had succeeded at looking healthy, feeling healthy, and were totally happy eating all food!


(Yes, that included those delicious ‘bad’ foods like ice cream and fries).

Success isn’t a number on the scale. 

Success isn’t being strong enough to never eat a particular type of food again.

Success isn’t a get-skinny-quick trick reinforced by meal replacements and super sexy vitamin concoctions. 

These people achieved what I was looking for- peace with food, and a healthy lifestyle. Most of them didn’t even know it. 

They were just happy AND healthy. 

How do I do THAT!??!

       Get Ready to Change YOUR Life!

  • Internal
  • External

Ready to Get Your Life Back?

Open Eating. Enjoy Food Again... Enjoy Life.

Did you know...

That as of today, NOT ONE diet program has resulted in long term weight loss?Nor has ANY diet program resulted in overall weight loss for the majority of people who have tried.

Where is your money going?

According to a Harvard Study- Americans spend between $155-$138 for every kg lost (2.2 lb.)

According to the FDA, the Nutrition & Weight Loss Industry is a $30,000,000,000 (yes, that's billion) industry.

According to the USDA, the average household spends $7729 per year on food. What if you could spend 15% or even 10% of that to know you were eating what's best for you?

What if you saved that money and more in medical bills and prescriptions?

You are not ALONE!

Join me and countless other people on this same journey- who are becoming expert in their foundational health.

A Whole New Perspective On Nutrition...

I dedicated the following years to developing a mapped solution so 

everyone could have the chance to do what these people seemed to naturally have. 

The opportunity to feel happy AND healthy. 

I realized that the old way of diet, fail, rinse, repeat approach required a HUGE time investment in things that didn’t matter. 

Things that were NOT actually helping improve health.

I realized that such a narrowed approach focused on perfection was EXACTLY what limited my results.

Life became imbalanced focusing on the things that I couldn’t control, and I never could see what I COULD control.

I was so caught up in the confusion, trying to figure out who was right and which was healthier, that my wheels were spinning so fast, I couldn’t succeed at anything.

When I began to study what success looked like, I began to think differently. 

I started approaching my own health with the behaviors I saw that resulted in a peaceful relationship with food, weight, and health.

I began to prioritize my own expectations of myself, rather than meeting the expectations of others.

When I became a Registered Dietitian, I walked my clients, classes, and everyone who asked for my help through this process- so I could learn what works, what doesn’t, and how to reach success. 

That’s when things started to change and this new approach REALLY came together.

My Story

I made a promise to myself that when I maxed out my time talking with people in person, it would be time to share with everyone I could. 

Thank heavens that technology has evolved as much as it has while I’ve been working on this- because now, I really believe I can reach ANYONE… it’s how I reached YOU!

I’m telling you, I’ve succeeded at finding a way to eat what I want. 

I’ve discovered that Open Eating works, and that I’m healthier for it. 

I have more energy, and less anxiety about my

food and my weight. 

I’ve found SO much more balance in my life and accomplished SO much as a result. I know my clients can say the same.

You’re reading this now- and you want more… you know where you are, and probably where you want to be…

"Kristen has been a wonderful influence in my every life routine. She has gone above and beyond in taking the time to work with me and teaching me how to make life changes. Through these changes, I have learned and have an understanding as to why my better eating habits work the way they do, and a more confident mind set as to how to eat a more healthy lifestyle. She has been with me through this journey every step of the way. After living a T1D lifestyle for over 33 years, I feel better now than I have ever been thanks to all of Kristen's efforts in helping me be the best me."


"Working with Kristen on understanding the way I interact with food has been life changing. She has tremendous knowledge of nutrition but even more valuable than that she taught me how to change my relationship to food. The things that I value most from working with her is the elimination of the shame and stigma associated with over eating and a recognition that food is a vital part of my life that should be enjoyed. She has coupled that with the knowledge of how to eat “mindfully” and actually taste the food that I am eating. While working with her I was able to lose weight but even more than that I was able to lose the burden of feeling like a failure with food choices every day and balance my life around food so that it no longer controls me."


"I have been working with Kristen for over a year now. She has helped gain a healthier relationship with food, taught me to how to eat mindfully, and has been a wealth of knowledge on nutrition. We started off with her making me an individualized meal plan. I met with her weekly where she would adjust my meal plan according to what was working for me and what was not. Kristen has taught me how to use food as a tool to healthier lifestyle rather than an addiction I could not control. I was recently diagnosed with gestational diabetes and she has guided me through the whole process and checks in with me each week to see how it is going. With her help I have managed to keep my blood sugar under control with diet and avoid medication. I am so very grateful for the opportunity to work with Kristen and am infinitely grateful for the knowledge I have gained from her."


"I’ve been working with Kristen for several months on correcting my eating habits and creating a food plan that will work for me so I can lose weight. Her expertise has created a food plan that cater to my likes and my needs so that I can stick with it. I’ve seen success and I don’t feel as if I had to make drastic changes to my lifestyle. Her dedication to my success has been wonderful and I’m truly grateful for her support in my weight loss goals."


Imagine What It WILL Be Like...

The truth is, there is A LOT to learn…

Especially when it comes to really understanding that your body is not something you battle as it ages or gains weight. 

It is a tool with infinite possibilities, and can help you (yes, it’s on your side and wants all the same things you want) to live your dreams!

Becoming intuitive and “Open” to the signals your body sends you for YOUR health is an art. 

It takes vision, it takes perspective, it takes PRACTICE. 

It’s a skill and a talent you inherently possess, but only YOU can discover what it can do through your own efforts.

Things like… how to tell if you decided to eat because you’re hungry, or thirsty, or sad, or bored, or to distract yourself, or to simply celebrate because life is good today!

How to retrain your mind to prioritize what you CAN do and look for opportunities to try what you thought you couldn’t do before.

 How to save money eating healthy food for you.How to cook and follow creative and delicious recipes. 

How to get your kids to like fruits and vegetables.

How to get enough vitamins from foods.

How to set goals and know you CAN and WILL achieve them. 

How to eat whatever you feel like eating without feeling guilt or shame.

How to enjoy parties, restaurants, and other events without feeling like you have to ‘order the salad’…

How to love your body and mind.

How to move your body and mind.

How to rest your body and mind.


Kind of an AMAZING Thought Right?

I get it because I also struggled with every single one of these challenges.

YEP… I had to work every bit of this out on my own early on.

Although my experience had A LOT of trial and error. It wasn’t as fun get here- but 


It felt like a jigsaw puzzle, with thousands of pieces, and the colors blended together making it impossible to figure out where to put them to see the bigger picture.

I didn’t know what the pieces were, and it felt like some of them actually hid from me, just to make my life harder.

If you currently feel like this and are struggling or feeling overwhelmed, I promise you, I felt the exact same way.


What I discovered that all it took was 

having ONE great strategy… 

to completely transform things.

A strategy tailored to your specific situation and circumstances.

To help you get from where you are to where you want to be.


I’ve put together a roadmap, that you can follow step by step, uncluttered with confusion so that you can just focus on YOU. 

This will help you build momentum. 

This approach isn’t complicated- but it is super effective…

And what I have learned over the years is that SIMPLE = SUCCESS!

“When we simplify, we are attending to our minds. 

Clear minds lead to creativity, vision, health, and productivity.” 

Angela Lynn Craig- Life & Leadership

Isn’t that what we ALL want?

I didn’t realize it at the time, but that is EXACTLY what I was chasing.

A Personalized Approach Makes All The Difference...  

Achieving success in YOUR health is SO much easier when…

- You have a personal roadmap

-You understand your body’s intuitive signals

-You know the right steps to take, mindfully

Having someone to walk with you through this journey makes all the difference.

And this is what I want to do for you, but for FREE.


The Fundamentals of Open Eating

...for FREE 

Since you’ve already taken the first step and are reading this letter…

I’m pretty confident that you’re ready for a REAL change and that we have some things in common:)

Because of that, I want you invite you to our 

Fundamentals of Open Eating Class COMPLETELY FREE

We’ll help you build a framework to help you get from where you are, to where you WANT to be.

So...What's the Catch? 

Why Am I helping for FREE?

At this point, it’s really important to know why I am doing this for free

…and not charging you my regular hourly rate of $300.

The first reason- this is my passion.

To be able to play a part in helping people discover a peaceful, healthy life full of delicious food, celebration, and peace.

To be able to help people take their first step, to help YOU take YOUR first step, toward a happy, healthy life.

That is what makes it all worth it for me.

The second reason I make this generous offer completely FREE is because,

honestly, it is how I attract my dream clients. 

 The clients, who are ready for REAL change, ready to DO IT RIGHT this time, ready to WIN at any cost!


If at the end of your first Fundamentals to Open Eating class… you feel like you’ve learned enough and don’t need anymore… 

...that’s still fantastic to me. 

You have no cost, no obligation, and no need to spend any more time on us. 

We graciously thank you for the time you gave us- we hope it is worth your while. I KNOW it is worth mine!

That should provide some peace of mind. 

Literally, not asking for ANY commitment here. 

If anything- you walk away with some cool new tips & tricks, along with some pretty neat recipes.


If you feel like you’ve taken your first step into

 something new, something life-changing, 

and want to become one of those dream clients we’ve talked about... 

we can absolutely go into that fun adventure! 

I even give you some pretty fantastic bonuses if you sign up today for my FREE Fundamentals of Open Eating class- so that makes it even more of a win-win!

What does becoming a "Dream Client" look like?

Get Exclusive Access to the 

Full-Service Open Eating Course

Sign up for the FULL-SERVICE, 8-week Personalized Open Eating Course!

Exclusively for the"Dream Client" who signs up for the Full-Service Open Eating Course... TODAY!

Full -Service Open Eating Course 

This is a full 8-week course outlining the ins and outs of managing your health, weight, and life balance through a personalized nutrition plan. 

Fully automated, self-paced course to accommodate ALL schedules.

Modules released weekly.

Module 1: Fundamentals of Open Eating    

Module 2: Goal Setting & Behavior Change      

Module 3: Nutrition & Intuition                

Module 4: Meal Planning

Module 5: Nutrients 101 

Module 6: Water & Sleep

Module 7: Physical Fitness  

Module 8: Keeping it Going!

(Valued at $1000)

Welcome Gift Package

All the tools you need for a successful class:

- Food & Water Tracking Booklet   

- Handy Pen for Doing That Tracking   

- Aluminum Water Bottle for All Your Hydration Desires   

- Step Tracker... Keeps Things Moving Along   

- Cooling Cloth... to Keep Cool While Stepping   

- Hunger & Fullness Magnet for Your Fridge

(Valued at $150)

3x Visits with a Registered Dietitian

Visit #1: We'll do an intake visit to really understand where you currently are. What have you tried in the past? What do you hope to accomplish? What has worked? And what clearly doesn't? -so we don't try things we know don't work.

Visit #2: Setting Goals and Removing Barriers: A dietitian-guided self assessment to determine goals that will have the most positive impact and make the most practical sense. We'll discuss any potential barriers so that you can visualize success at it's best!

Visit #3: Based on what you've tried, and your current goals, our registered dietitian will walk you through creating a customized meal pan that supports your efforts. You'll also learn how to re-create and tweak your meal plan to maintain success as you find your needs and circumstances change.

(Valued at $650) [Visits up to 1 hour each]

1 Year ForMyHealth Inner-Circle Membership Bonus

Monthly Q&A Live Events for new Topics & Research

Every month, one of our Registered Dietitians will host a 2-hour live event to talk about hot nutrition topics, new research, or discuss pressing questions for our members. It's a great opportunity to realize we're not alone, and that we can learn from each other!

(Valued at $600 annually)

1 Year Membership to ForMyHealth Inner-Circle Facebook Group & Monthly Webinars

Our Facebook Group will be full of other members on this journey just like you. Join our tight community of fellow Open Eaters. Engage in supportive conversations, learn what others are doing, and take the chance to support someone else. We'll also host webinars with tips, tricks, & ideas for reaching your personal goals.

(Valued at $600 annually)

Custom Printed Meal Plan/ Cookbook/ Caregiving Template with Recipes of Your Choice

We all have those favorite "Go-To" recipes that are easy and delightful. But you just don't remember them all and how easy they can be to make. 

We'll gather the meal plan you prepared and your favorite recipes and put them into a beautiful custom-printed book that you can display or just keep handy in the Kitchen. 

If you're caregiving for family with special diet restrictions- this is a great place to add in a nutritional care plan for others who may step in to help.

(Valued at $350)

Just in case that isn't enough... We'll throw in a few bonus items:

12 month FREE membership to ForMyHealth.Org

ForMy Health.org 

This, all-new, recipe sharing site is a one stop shop for all kinds of nutritional tips and tricks.

This site is where members can share their favorite recipes- healthy, but still taste good. 

We're paying close attention to recipes for those who have specific food restrictions due to medical conditions. So many times the recommended recipes are just not practical or tasty. We're here to fix that!

(Valued at $300 annually)

Unlimited Access to Member's Area with your ForMyHealth Membership

Unlimited Access to ALL the STUFF

In addition to the recipes, For My Health members have access to TONS of resources:

   - Nutrition Education Related to Specific Medical Conditions

   - Newsletters

   - Blogs

   - Cooking Videos

   - Early Bird Registration and/or Access to any promotions and  

     services we offer

(Valued at $800 annually)

Self Guided Meal-Planning Workbook/Packet

Creating a Meal Plan is one thing... but getting it organized in your head and written in a way that can be followed is a whole different skill-set.

This workbook takes you step-by-step to help you think through an organize process what type of meal plan will work for you and your family best.

(Valued at $200)

That's a TOTAL Value of $4650!

You get it all for $1197 (that is the 74% discount!)

And if you sign up today, you can save an extra 20%!

Now, at this point, I hope you’re excited to at least JOIN our FREE Fundamentals of Open Eating Class- 

(and PERHAPS the Full-Service Course (because it has SO MUCH added Value)

But there also might still be some questions holding you back from making the decisions to take back your life. After all, doesn’t everybody promise that?

I want to help answer some of those for you now.

I’ve taken the top questions I’ve been asked about Open Eating and popped them in below with the answers…

In case you are wondering some of the same things:)

Question #1: Is this a diet or a lifestyle change?


Diets and lifestyle changes require a reset of the rules by some other external source. 

Open eating is a continuous process of you setting your own rules to fit your life in a balanced and healthy way. 

It’s living through habits created by you, on your behalf, and for YOUR health.

Question #2: What do you have to offer that is different from every other diet or lifestyle change?

So many other programs claim to have ALL the answers to help you get healthy. 

I humbly admit- I don’t know you, so I don’t have YOUR answers.

What I do know is 

how to help you discover what you are capable of,

guide you with the right questions, 

teach you the right tools,

 and empower you to find the right answers for yourself. 

Every person is different- with different DNA, different circumstances, and different environments. 

Everybody’s approach to health will manifest differently. 

No set of answers from an outside person can tailor to your life. 

I help you tailor your own.

Question #3: No other diets have worked for me, why should I try this program?

This time, you’ll be approaching your nutrition hand-in-hand with your body’s intuitive messages on your behalf, instead of what feels like a battle against weight and cravings. 

Creating habits that cooperate with your body, rather than manipulate it, are also enjoyable- and more likely to be sustainable and effective.

Question #4: Is it safe?


The whole design is to help you be healthier, without manipulating your body in an unhealthy way.

 If anything, what you learn will help you be safer in your nutrition decisions for the rest of your life!

Question #5: What if I have specific medical conditions? Can or should I still do this?

Definitely! We absolutely recommend you work with your Doctor or Healthcare Professional when making any changes related to your health. 

If you choose to enroll in our Full-Service Open Eating Course after taking our FREE Fundamentals of Open Eating Class, you will also have access to the professional help of our Registered Dietitians who can help you more specifically related to your Doctor’s or Healthcare Professional’s recommendations.

Question #6: Is this a scheduled event?

Nope- this works with YOUR schedule. When you sign up, Module 1 will immediately be open to you.

However- there IS a catch. Shortly after you sign up for your course, we will be hosting a FREE Live Event for Q&A with me, personally, about what you learned. 

That WILL be scheduled. So, don’t wait too long to go through your FREE Fundamentals of Open Eating Course or you’ll miss out!  

Question #7: Do I need to do anything to prepare?

A little bit. It is REALLY helpful if you jot down everything you have eaten for the past 3 days. This includes approximate times, basic portion sizes, and what you ate. 

Even if it is a couple of candies from the dish on the coffee table. This gives us a clear picture of your current habits (where you are) so you can then get a good idea of goals you want to set (where you want to be).

Question #8: How long is this opportunity available for?

I can’t say an exact time or date. This is going to be available until my 20 FREE Q&A Live Event spots are filled. 

You’ll be able to see that once you register after you complete the class. Those spots are limited… so don’t miss this chance!

When they’re gone, they’re gone.

So, click the button below and sign up for the

FREE Module 1: Fundamentals of Open Eating 

So what are we looking at... Really...

Click Below to Check out Module 1 for FREE!!!

Limited Time Offer!

Hurry! Before Webinar Spots Fill Up!

But Wait... Do You Want It ALL?

Sign up for the 

Full-Service Course NOW!

Take one more look below and see if you're interested in the Full-Service Open Eating Course. 

If you purchase today when signing up for

FREE Module 1: Fundamentals of Open Eating Course, we'll hook you up with all those bonus items 

Learn to be an expert on your own health. Learn to take back your life!

-Kristen Lindorf

Here's a recap of 


When You Purchase The AMAZING

Full-Service Open Eating Course!

​Full 8-week Open Eating Course ($1000 Value)​

Amazing Welcome Gift Package ($150 Value)​

3x Progress Visits w/ a Registered Dietitian ($650 Value)​

1 Year of Premium ForMyHealth Inner Circle Monthly Q&A Live Events ($600 Value Annually)​

1 Year Membership to ForMyHealth Inner-Circle Facebook Group & Monthly Webinars ($600 Value Annually)​​Custom Meal Plan/Recipe/Caregiver Cook Book ($350 Value)​

12 Month Membership to ForMyHealth.org ($300 Value)​

Unlimited Access with ForMyHealth Membership to ALL Education/Videos/Promos ($800 Value)​

Self Guided Meal-Planning Workbook Packet ($200 Value)

Total ValueL $4,650

But today, you're getting all of this...

For Only $1197

And then 20% off ($240) for signing up, right now, WITH the

FREE Module 1: Fundamentals of Open Eating Course

I'm confident enough in this course, I'm willing to give you a 30-day money back

guarantee if you feel you aren't going to get what you need from us. 

See you soon!

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Copyright 2010 - For My Health, All Rights Reserved