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Open Eating:

Take Back Your Life.

You have all the tools for a healthy weight and great body! Let me teach you how to use them :)

No more diets... No more confusion... Take back your life!

If you’re anything like me, you’ve searched for the healthiest way to live. 

You’ve read about the new "best" diet that promises the fastest weight loss.

Diet after diet promises results that are never achieved. Intense control and sacrifice as you fight every day to control your eating of “good” foods and bad.

Eggs are in, eggs are out. Low fat is the way to go, just kidding, try Keto.  “Read my book, follow my advice, take my class and you’ll be skinny and satisfied in 90 days.”

Does this sound familiar? The diet and fitness industry is a multi-billion dollar barrage designed to “help” you, but all that seems to happen is they get richer and we get sicker.

My name is Kristen Lindorf. I’ve spent nearly 2 decades studying diet and nutrition only to find that there isn’t a diet out there designed to help YOU truly be healthy. 

But you know what I did find? I figured out how to use individual talents and motivators to free you from the diet trap! I want to empower you with REAL tools and EFFECTIVE wisdom to start a new life of food freedom.

I am a registered dietitian who has helped clients learn intuitive eating skills that help you get the best out of what you eat. No Diets. No Confusion. No Restriction. No Fads. Just you, empowered. Take back your life.

What if I told you that there was a magical device that could signal to you the right foods to provide your body the nutrients it needs, uniquely tailored to your health profile and medical history?

What if I told you I could give you access to this device, to enable healthy personalized diet guidance. What kind of subscription fee would you pay for access to such a device? Would you be willing to tell your friends about it?

Let me blow your mind a second…because I don’t have that device. But YOU DO! It’s already yours. Your body and mind are uniquely designed to signal the right foods for you, as you need them.

That’s where I come in. I train you how to use your amazing body and mind. You won’t need diet books, coaches, seminars, or restrictive diets.

You deserve to live a life of food freedom. You deserve to Open yourself to healthy and delicious Eating.

That’s why I created Open Eating. A self-paced online course that is a “user’s manual” for your body signals and creating a healthy relationship with ALL food..

Do you feel at peace with all of your food decisions? If not, are you ready to learn how to eat and live more freely? I’ve refined this course over the span of my entire career, and I’ve distilled it down to the essential information that clients need to finally WIN!

I’m launching this product this year and in celebration of our grand opening.

I’m offering a limited time offer of $379 for lifetime access to this life-changing course.

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  • Here's What You'll Get:

      Eight in-depth modules covering everything from intuition to nutrient functions

      Exclusive companion workbook to help track your journey, goals, and wins!

      Weekly newsletters in your inbox

      Access to exclusive challenges, webinars, events, and promotions


      And more cool stuff as we think of it!!!

    No more diets. No more confusion. Take back your life:)

    See What Our Best Clients Are Saying...

    "Kristen helped me gain a healthier relationship with food, taught me to how to eat mindfully, and has been a wealth of knowledge on nutrition. Kristen has taught me how to use food as a tool to healthier lifestyle rather than an addiction I could not control."

    Callie Brown

    '"Kristen has been a wonderful influence in my every life routine. She has gone above and beyond in taking the time to work with me and teaching me how to make life changes. Through these changes, I have learned and have an understanding as to why my better eating habits work the way they do. I feel better now than I have ever been thanks to all of Kristen's efforts in helping me be the best me."

    Shawna Pearce

    "I’ve been working with Kristen for several months on correcting my eating habits and creating a food plan that will work for me so I can lose weight. Her expertise has created a food plan that cater to my likes and my needs so that I can stick with it. I’ve seen success and I don’t feel as if I had to make drastic changes to my lifestyle."

    Lisa Hendricksen

    "Working with Kristen on understanding the way I interact with food has been life changing. She has tremendous knowledge of nutrition but even more valuable than that she taught me how to change my relationship to food. While working with her I was able to lose weight but even more than that I was able to lose the burden of feeling like a failure with food choices every day and balance my life around food so that it no longer controls me."

    Zane Brown

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  • Course Module Breakdown

    Frequently Ask Questions

    Is this a diet or is it a lifestyle change?

    Neither. Diets and lifestyle changes require a reset of the rules by some other external source. Open eating is a continuous process of you setting your own rules to fit your life in a balanced and healthy way. It’s living through habits created by you, on your behalf, and for YOUR health.

    What do you have to offer that is different from every other diet or lifestyle change?

    So many other programs claim to have ALL the answers to help you get healthy. I humbly admit- I don’t know you, so I don’t have YOUR answers.What I do know is how to help you discover what you are capable of, guide you with the right questions, teach you the right tools, and empower you to find the right answers for yourself. Every person is different- with different DNA, different circumstances, and different environments. Everybody’s approach to health will manifest differently. No set of answers from an outside person can tailor to your life. I help you tailor your own in this course. We also have a Dream Package that comes with personalized dietitian visits and even more perks. If you’re interested in that, click the button below to learn more.

    Learn More
    No other diets have worked for me, why should I try this program?

    This time, you’ll be approaching your nutrition hand-in-hand with your body’s intuitive messages on your behalf, instead of what feels like a battle against weight and cravings. Creating habits that cooperate with your body, rather than manipulate it, are also enjoyable- and more likely to be sustainable and effective.

    Is it safe?

    This Open Eating course is built from the VERY best published scientific studies and recommendations that are medically sound in an effort to help you build a safe and healthy relationship with food. That said, we want to ensure that you are as safe as possible as you transition into a new way of eating- so it’s always good to work with your dietitian, doctor, or other medical provider to make sure you get the most out of this course.

    What if I have specific medical conditions? Can or should I still do this?

    Definitely! We absolutely recommend you work with your Doctor or Healthcare Professional when making any changes related to your health. If you choose to enroll in our Full-Service Open Eating Course after taking our FREE Fundamentals of Open Eating Class, you will also have access to the professional help of our Registered Dietitians who can help you more specifically related to your Doctor’s or Healthcare Professional’s recommendations.

    What if I don’t think this program is for me after I’ve bought it?

    We offer a 30 day money back guarantee. We’re so convinced that you’ll find so much value in this course that we’re backing it 100%.

    Is this a scheduled event?

    Nope. This works with YOUR schedule. When you sign up, Module 1 will immediately be open to you.However- there IS a catch. Shortly after you sign up for your course, we will be hosting a FREE Live Event for Q&A with me, personally, about what you learned. That WILL be scheduled. So, don’t wait too long to go through your FREE Fundamentals of Open Eating Course or you’ll miss out!

    Do I need to do anything to prepare?

    Nope- it’s all built into the course!

    How long is this opportunity available for?

    I can’t say an exact time or date. But spots are limited… so don’t miss this chance! When they’re gone, they’re gone.

    Exclusionary clause (medical conditions, eating disorders):

    We strongly advise that you consult your doctor, dietitian, or other medical provider before and through the duration of this course. While our advice is in line with published scientific studies and recommendations that are medically sound and generally safe, we want to ensure that you are as safe as possible as you transition into a new way of eating.

    Have another question? Ask us here!

    We offer a 30 day money back guarantee. We’re so convinced that you’ll find so much value in this course that we’re backing it 100%.

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